Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength

Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength


Faux Leather




About 'Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength'


We all experience difficult seasons in life that sap us of our energy. Loss, pain, anxiety, sickness, or frustration can lead to discouragement and sometimes a feeling of exhaustion.

Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength is a topically organized collection that guides you through themes of assurance, inspiration, endurance, rest, purpose, and more. Encouraging Scriptures, heartfelt prayers, and prompting questions give you an opportunity to think more deeply about the joy and truth found in God’s Word.

By staying connected to God, and believing in his promises, you can be renewed and re-energized, drawing on his strength to live a fulfilling, blessed life. Take a moment to breathe in the calming peace of his presence. He cares for you, and he will always be with you.

ISBN 9781424565795


144 Pages


Faux Leather / Fine Binding

Carton Quantity: 68

Translations Used: NLT, NIV, NCV, NASB, NRSV, ESV, NKJV, TPT