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Dr. Mary Manz Simon has built a career out of carpools and soccer games. Under the umbrella of practical parenting advice, her books have sold more than two million copies and are available in nine languages, her daily radio program is heard on 200+ stations, and her magazine articles and national convention presentations reach thousands more each year.
“I think being a parent is terrific,” she says. “Life in the Mommy Zone can be exhausting, discouraging, and challenging, but there’s nothing that compares to helping a baby grow up to become a hopeful, visionary, contributing member of society. Of course, that happens only after cheering on the sidelines of countless T-ball games and having numerous discussions on the value of making a bed.”
It’s her advice on these everyday issues that resonate with parents, teachers, and all others who care about children. After earning bachelor’s, master’s, and doctor’s degrees in education, she entered the world of parenting by giving birth to three children in four years. This real-life experience, coupled with her significant academic credentials, speaks volumes to readers and listeners.