The Chosen Presents: A Blended Harmony of the Gospels

The Chosen Presents: A Blended Harmony of the Gospels

By Steve Laube,
Dallas Jenkins
and Amanda Jenkins


Faux Leather



About 'The Chosen Presents: A Blended Harmony of the Gospels'


Four Gospels. One Jesus.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: The different details, timelines, and emphases of each Gospel can make it difficult to picture the whole narrative. And The Chosen TV series acknowledges its own timeline for the unique purposes of the show. That’s why we’ve created The Chosen Presents: A Blended Harmony of the Gospels. We want you to see the factual accounts in one chronological story. You’ll experience:
·       the story of Jesus in one seamless narrative,
·       section divisions for forty daily readings,
·       a preface by Dallas and Amanda Jenkins, and
·       an index detailing the Scripture references of each passage.
Immerse yourself in the greatest story ever told.

ISBN 9781424564903


304 Pages


Faux Leather / Fine Binding

Carton Quantity: 24

Translations Used: CSB

About the Authors

Picture of Steve Laube

Steve Laube

Steve Laube has been in book publishing for over forty years as a bookseller, editor, publisher, and literary agent. He serves as a Bible teacher and is married with three daughters and two grandsons. He is a Hall-of-Fame honoree of Grand Canyon University’s Department of Theology . . .

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Picture of Dallas Jenkins

Dallas Jenkins

Dallas Jenkins is a filmmaker, author, speaker, and father of four. He is currently producing The Chosen—the first multi-season show about the life of Christ . . .

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Picture of Amanda Jenkins

Amanda Jenkins

Amanda Jenkins is an author, speaker, and mother of four. She lives just outside Chicago with her husband, Dallas, creator of The Chosen . . .

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