Peter the Apostle

Peter the Apostle

Graphic Story Bible

By Mario DeMatteo



About 'Peter the Apostle'


Learn about a true Bible hero like never before. Peter was an ordinary fisherman until his whole world was flipped upside down by one man. For centuries, the prophets foretold the coming of an all-powerful king and holy Messiah of Israel who would free them from the clutches of the evil Roman Empire, restoring peace to God’s chosen people. Little did Peter know, the Messiah of prophecy was real, his name was Jesus, and he chose Peter to be a leader in his revolution. Experience a biblical account of bravery, adventure, miracles, faith, and salvation as you discover Peter the Apostle in this new futuristic graphic story Bible.

Looking for new ways to inspire your children to read the Bible? Use a visual language they love and understand: Graphic Novels.

Graphic Story Bibles in this series…
• are Biblically based
• used Scripture references
• are a great ministry tool
• are helpful for literacy
• are in full-color comic book format
• have awesome, relatable characters
• are action-packed, and
• are hard to put down!

ISBN 9781424553228


192 Pages



Carton Quantity:

Translations Used: NLT

About the Author

Picture of Mario DeMatteo

Mario DeMatteo

Mario DeMatteo is a storyteller, an urban farmer, a purveyor of awesome, and most importantly, a Jesus-follower. During college, Mario was in a tragic diving accident, confining him to a wheelchair. After years of feeling unsure about his future, God put it on his heart to begin work on a children’s ministry tool about Paul the Apostle. The vision: tell the accurate biblical story of his hero, Paul the Apostle, in a futuristic comic book world using crazy amazing cartoon creatures. He assembled the team, co-wrote and edited the script, art directed the illustrations, and founded Beartruth Collective LLC to produce the book. Mario hopes to reach thousands of children across the world with the life transforming message of Jesus . . .

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